906 W. Stone St. Brenham, TX 77833

Next Gen Ministries is the umbrella under which every ministry from birth to young adults operates. Pastor Rob oversees all these ministries (with Ms. Emily operating the Nursery, Pastor Anna operating the youth & young adult ministries), and works hand-in-hand with other teams of adults to operate the children’s ministry.



Rob Thoreson

Next Gen Pastor

Contact Pastor Rob for questions, concerns, or how you can get involved with the next generation!

Email Pastor Rob
Next Gen Ministries

In the Next Gen Wing

Parents/Guardians are welcome to check in their children ages birth to kindergarten for the entire Sunday morning service. Temperatures will be taken upon check-in.

Ms. Emily cares for our children by giving them loving attention, showing praise & worship DVS, and going over a lesson from the Bible App for Kids.

In Hanger 51

Beginning October 11th children in grades kindergarten to 6th will enter the main Sunday morning service with their parent/guardian and be dismissed just before the sermon. Before they go into Hanger 51 their temperatures will be taken.

In The Foundry

Our regular Wednesday night services have looked different throughout the last year, but our group is currently meeting outside as the weather permits. Pastor Anna is keeping everyone’s health and safety in mind as she adds events back to the calendar.

In The Foundry VIP Lounge

Our young adults meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 7pm. Usually Pastor Anna leads them in a discussion, but they’ve been known to watch a movie every now and then!
