October 7, 2018
Be the Kingdom! Live the Life!, October 7, 2018
As sons of God we will spend eternity living in the everlasting kingdom and serving the everlasting King. That kingdom will be like nothing we have ever experienced. Daniel wrote of his vision in Daniel 7 of the Ancient of Days being seated with the books being opened before Him. Following this the kingdom was given to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord. The Apostle John also wrote of the coming kingdom in Revelation. He stated it would be a place where God would dwell with us. He will wipe away all our tears, abolish sorrow and death, sickness, and pain. What a glorious day and what a kingdom that will be!
But, until then what? Do we just sit and wait for that glorious day and for that kingdom to come? No. The kingdom of God is two-fold. There is a future eternal king of God which is coming and the kingdom here and now. Learning how to be in the kingdom here and now and how to live the overcoming life every day will usher us into the eternal kingdom that is coming.