906 W. Stone St. Brenham, TX 77833

Divine Fatherhood 101, June 7, 2020

June 7, 2020

Divine Fatherhood 101, June 7, 2020

As we continue to journey with the children of God to their promised land, we witnessed the powerful and glorious deliverance at the Red Sea.  Through the miraculous intervention of God the waters of the sea were parted, and a dry path was made for approximately 1.2 million people to cross over.  We saw as their enemy blindly followed, the waters of the sea returned to their place and the Egyptian army was drowned.  As they walk from that celebrated victory 3 days into the wilderness, they are faced with their first test of getting to know their Heavenly Father.  Can they walk 3 days from an unbelievable victory and remember it?  Apparently not!
